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  • Cant have shit in Ohio

Mᴀᴛᴛʜɪᴀs Rᴏᴢᴇɴsᴢᴛᴏᴋ on Twitter https

unable to possess crap within the state of.
Unfortunately, I lack the ability to obtain any useless matter while staying inside Ohio. No waste for me, sadly.
Sadly, I can't possess a single dung inside Ohio. No garbage to be found in this region, unfortunately. Unable to obtain junk in the great state of OH.
Sadly, I am devoid of the ability to obtain any crap while residing in the Buckeye State. No garbage to be found in these parts, sadly. I am bereft of a single matter inside Ohio.
Regrettably, it is not within my capabilities to obtain a single nonsense while in the state of Ohio. No garbage to be found in this area, unfortunately. I am unable to have any feces in the beautiful state of Ohio.
Oh dear, sadly I am constrained to obtain any waste whilst staying inside the state of Ohio. No waste to be found here, alas. I am unable to obtain the tiniest bit of excrement inside Ohio.
Oh, what a shame it is that I lack the capacity to have the slightest bit of waste while residing inside the state of Ohio. No waste to be found here, sadly. I have no means to own even a trace of material within the great state of Ohio.
Oh, what a shame it is that I am powerless to acquire even a single garbage during living inside Ohio. No junk in my possession, unfortunately. I am unable to obtain the tiniest bit of dung within the great state of Ohio.

cant have shit in ohio YouTube
Can't Have Shit in Ohio YouTube
|December 5th, 2024
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